WINE 2006
international Workshop on
Internet & Network Economics
December 15 - 17 2006,
Patra -- GREECE |
[Show Abstracts]
- Davide Bilò, Luciano Gualà and Guido Proietti.
Dynamic Mechanism Design
- Moshe
Babaioff, Michal Feldman and Noam Nisan. Mixed
Strategies in Combinatorial Agency
- Martin Hoefer and Jean Cardinal. Selfish Service
Installation in Networks
Heiner Ackermann,
Heiko Roeglin and
Berthold Voecking.
Pure Nash Equilibria in
Player-Specific and Weighted Congestion Games
- Dominic Dumrauf and
Gairing. Price of Anarchy for Polynomial Wardrop
- David Abraham, Ning Chen, Vijay Kumar and Vahab Mirrokni.
Assignment Problems in Rental Markets
- Nicole
Immorlica, Kamal Jain and Mohammad Mahdian. Game-Theoretic Aspects of Designing Hyperlink Structures
- Pradeep
Dubey, Rahul Garg and Bernard De Meyer.
Competing for
Customers in a Social Network: The Quasi-Linear Case
- Spyros
Kontogiannis, Panagiota Panagopoulou and Paul Spirakis.
Polynomial Algorithms for Approximating Nash
Equilibria of Bimatrix Games
- Ola Rozenfeld and
Tennenholtz. Strong and Correlated Strong
Equilibria in Monotone Congestion Games
- Pradeep
Dubey and
Rahul Garg.
Games of Connectivity
- Xi Chen,
Xiaotie Deng and Shang-Hua Teng.
Sparse Games Are Hard
- Ping Li, Housheng Chen and Guangdong Huang. On
Portfolio's Default-Risk-Adjusted Duration and Value: Model and
Algorithm Based on Copulas
- Rahul
Garg and Sanjiv Kapoor. Price Roll-Backs and Path
Auctions: An Approximation Scheme for Computing the Market Equilibrium
- Tian-Ming Bu, Qi Qi and Aries Wei Sun. Unconditional Competitive Auctions with Copy and Budget Constraints
- Deeparnab Chakrabarty, Nikhil Devanur and Vijay Vazirani.
New Results on Rationality and Strongly Polynomial
Time Solvability in Eisenberg-Gale Markets
- Dorit Hochbaum. Ranking sports teams and the
inverse equal paths problem
- Mikołaj Morzy and Adam Wierzbicki. The Sound of
Silence: Mining Implicit Feedbacks to Compute Reputation
Pinyan Lu,
Shang-Hua Teng and
Changyuan Yu.
Truthful Auctions with Optimal
- Abraham Flaxman,
David Gamarnik and Gregory Sorkin. First-passage
percolation on a width-2 strip and the path cost in a VCG auction
- Igal
Milchtaich. The Equilibrium Existence Problem in
Finite Network Congestion Games
- Carmine Ventre. Mechanisms with Verification for
Any Finite Domain
- Paolo Penna, Guido Proietti and Peter Widmayer.
Strongly Polynomial-Time Truthful Mechanisms in One Shot
- Mukund Sundararajan, Shuchi Chawla and Tim Roughgarden.
Optimal Cost-sharing Mechanisms for Steiner Forest
- Juliane Dunkel and Andreas S. Schulz. On the
Complexity of Pure-Strategy Nash Equilibria in Congestion and
Local-Effect Games
- Xi Chen,
Li-Sha Huang
and Shang-Hua Teng.
Market Equilibria with Hybrid Linear-Leontief
- Antoniy Ganchev, Lata Narayanan and
Sunil Shende.
Mechanisms to induce random choice
- Shuchi Chawla, Jason Hartline, Uday Rajan and R. Ravi.
Optimal No-deficit Mechanism Design
- Nicole
Immorlica, Robert Kleinberg and Mohammad Mahdian.
problems with competing employers
- Burkhard Monien,
Florian Schoppmann, Karsten Tiemann and Vladimir Mazalov.
Wardrop Equilibria and Price of Stability for
Bottleneck Games with Splittable Traffic
- Theodore Komninos, Yannis Stamatiou and George Vavitsas.
A worm propagation model based on people's email
acquaintance profiles
- Constantinos Daskalakis, Aranyak Mehta and Christos Papadimitriou.
A Note on Approximate Nash Equilibria
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